So far, this has been a really busy week. So many obligations at work, and with the exam period at my Masters studies approaching, it's starting to be extremely demanding.
Not to mention that as a complete novice, it takes quite a lot time to prepare for each and every class.Oh, and there is also a problem with a mild epidemic of cold, or flu: each day a number of children misses a class, and it's really hard to catch up with this. (Or it's just me?)
I don't know how things are at your school, but I've noticed that children are much easier to work with when we are in the morning shift. That's what I've been told. My colleagues at work, their teachers, told me that right at the beginning. And when we're in the afternoon shift, children tend to be much more lively, and sometimes almost unbearable.
Tell me, how do you cope with such problems at work?
Is it just me, a fairly inexperienced novice, or is teaching really a highly demanding profession?
Still, most of the time I enjoy working as an elementary school teacher, while a few times it feels like the worst job on the planet.
However, for me, things are going to change soon. Namely, I'm working at this school until March 23, because the teacher I have been substituting is about to end her maternity leave.
And one thing is certain: that's going to be a huge change. I'm going to miss the children.
When I think about it, I'm already a bit sad....