I must say I have had a busy week both at work, and at home. But, I'm back.
Like I said, it's not always easy to be a teacher (especially a novice); but most times it feels like the dream profession.
As I'm getting prepared for the final week of my substitute teaching at this school, I go through my thoughts and experiences flashing through my head, and am very grateful for being given this wonderful opportunity.
Definitely, there must have been some beginner's mistakes. But there have been so many useful lessons on the go.
I now know that to teach young learners, one needs to be meticulously prepared for each and every class. Such a teacher also needs to have either a natural gift to entertain and amuse the children, or to acquire it throughout the years of practice, and by attending seminars.
Unfortunately for me, there was a seminar in Novi Sad, and I wanted to attend it, but then came the snow, and it ruined my plans. I simply couldn't come to Novi Sad, because at that time, I was just getting better after acute bronchitis I got earlier that month...
However, I've recently been informed about two incredibly useful events, and I'll try hard to attend both of them.
One is a conference at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Jagodina (Teaching English to Young Learners:Integrating Culture and Language Teaching), and the other is 10 th ELTA IATEFL conference -- this year taking place in Belgrade.
So, are you planning to go to a conference, or a seminar sometimes soon? Do you happen to know about some other, equally useful events, taking place in the near future?
Oh, and once again, if you happen to have some useful links, book titles, articles, etc. to share with me on the topic of teaching English to young learners, please do. I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks a million, and have a great week at work (or whatever that is you'll be doing this week)!
Like I said, it's not always easy to be a teacher (especially a novice); but most times it feels like the dream profession.
As I'm getting prepared for the final week of my substitute teaching at this school, I go through my thoughts and experiences flashing through my head, and am very grateful for being given this wonderful opportunity.
Definitely, there must have been some beginner's mistakes. But there have been so many useful lessons on the go.
I now know that to teach young learners, one needs to be meticulously prepared for each and every class. Such a teacher also needs to have either a natural gift to entertain and amuse the children, or to acquire it throughout the years of practice, and by attending seminars.
Unfortunately for me, there was a seminar in Novi Sad, and I wanted to attend it, but then came the snow, and it ruined my plans. I simply couldn't come to Novi Sad, because at that time, I was just getting better after acute bronchitis I got earlier that month...
However, I've recently been informed about two incredibly useful events, and I'll try hard to attend both of them.
One is a conference at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Jagodina (Teaching English to Young Learners:Integrating Culture and Language Teaching), and the other is 10 th ELTA IATEFL conference -- this year taking place in Belgrade.
So, are you planning to go to a conference, or a seminar sometimes soon? Do you happen to know about some other, equally useful events, taking place in the near future?
Oh, and once again, if you happen to have some useful links, book titles, articles, etc. to share with me on the topic of teaching English to young learners, please do. I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks a million, and have a great week at work (or whatever that is you'll be doing this week)!